Friday, September 11, 2015

Semi Truck Accident Attorney Columbus Ohio

If you’ve recently been in a semi truck accident and are in need of an attorney here in Columbus, Ohio; don’t fret. If you are in need of a semi truck accident attorney, look no further than Ohio Injury Law. Getting in a semi truck accident can be a horrible incident that can have a lot of ramifications to you and/or your loved ones health. Regardless if the accident is minor or severe; Ohio Injury Law can represent you to get the help that you need.

Once you get in a semi truck accident, it can be really overwhelming to know what to do right away. If you are unsure of what to do once you get in a semi truck accident, here is a checklist of things that are essential to do in any automobile accident:

  • Assess the situation
    • First and foremost, make sure you are safe
  • Move to a safe location
    • Take pictures of the accident
  • Determine if there are any injuries
    • Check to see if you and the driver of the other car(s) are injured
  • Call 911
  • Call insurance company
  • Request a tow if your car is not driveable

This list of things to do will help you no matter what type of accident you are in. If you or a loved one were in a semi truck accident and you require an attorney; you can depend on Robert D. Erney & Associates. Don’t hesitate a moment longer on your safety, and get the representation you can trust at Ohio Injury Law.

You can find reviews for Robert D. Erney & Associates on Yahoo and Avvo.